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Cognitive Assessment Based on CBS Health

Available stand-alone or included in BrainTrainUK Assessment

CBS Health is an online brain health assessment service based on research by Cambridge Brain Sciences. It accurately measures core elements of your cognitive function, including memory, attention, reasoning and verbal abilities. Your neurofeedback practitioner will use these measures to assess core areas of cognition that are key to your mental health and wellness, and establish a baseline.

The tasks are fun to do and suitable for all ages as long as they can understand what the task is. For age 6 upwards the results are normalised (compared to an average).

As you go through your neurofeedback sessions, you can re-take the tests to measure progress.


  • Convenient – Web-based and flexible. Assessments can be completed on desktop, laptop and tablet devices, no pen and paper or special hardware required.
  • Engaging –  Tasks take only 1.5 – 3 minutes to complete, and are highly engaging, enjoyable and unintimidating. Plus, interactive and repeatable task tutorials will ensure you get up to speed on the tasks.
  • Actionable –  Allows you to quantify the core elements of cognition and track cognitive trends over time.

Backed up by science

  • Tasks used in 300+ peer- reviewed studies of cognition
  • Over 8 million tasks completed globally, and counting
  • Backed by over 25+ years of scientific research

Range of Tasks

There are 12 tasks in total. You may do all 12, just 4, or a tailored set for your circumstances:

# Task Name Outcome Measure Example Activities
1 Monkey Ladder Visuospatial Working Memory Planning your day and the errands you 
 need to run, then carrying out those 
 errands in the correct order by memory.
2 Spatial Span Spatial Short-Term Memory Recalling and then delivering a set of directions to someone for a route you just took.
3 Token Search Working Memory

Systematically searching for your car keys that have been left somewhere by your partner.

4 Paired Associates Episodic Memory When storing household items after grocery shopping, later remembering which items you put where.
5 Rotations Mental Rotation

Navigating using a map on your phone that keeps rotating every time you turn, or finding

the route to a room inside a building even 
 though you came in through a different door.

6 Polygons Visuospatial Processing Performing actions that require precise assessment and reasoning about objects, such as drawing, constructing models, aligning decorations on a wall, or designing a web page.
7 Odd One Out Deductive Reasoning Determine that something is true because of a set of facts. For instance, when doing your taxes, you may determine that you qualify for a tax rebate based on certain rules set out by your country.
8 Spatial Planning Planning

Packing items into your car’s boot so that they all fit, or assembling a piece of furniture.

9 Feature Match Attention Identifying similarities and differences when comparing two things, such as deciding which of many great photos of your friends to share from an evening out.
10 Double Trouble Response Inhibition Blocking out background conversations when you’re trying to focus on something, or ignoring buzz words when viewing a television ad (“Fresh! Simple! Revolutionary!”), while focusing your attention on more important factors, like price or quality of the item being sold.
11 Grammatical Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Understanding everyday speech that may contain negative statements – for instance, “I didn’t know that he wasn’t going to show up”.
12 Digit Span

Verbal Short-Term Memory

Remembering a telephone number as you’re entering it into your phone.

There are sets of tasks that are particularly relevant to particular symptoms or diagnoses:

  • Autism
  • Early Alzheimer’s
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Non-Alzheimer’s Dementia
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s
  • Age-Related Decline
  • ADHD
  • PTSD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Dyslexia
  • Stroke
  • Concussion
  • Huntington’s Disease
  • Frontal Lobe
  • Temporal Lobe
  • Depression

Note that a Cognitive Assessment is not going to provide any form of diagnosis.

Further information: