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Neurofeedback London

The human brain is a fantastic and powerful part of the body that has fascinated Neuroscientists for many years. Its complex features are like nothing else and the way it reacts to different environments and tests is incredible to see. There are 4 parts of the brain that allow us to do a range of tasks such as speaking languages and general everyday commands like touching, moving and seeing objects. It is all to do with brain signals that are sent from the brain to other parts of the body allowing them to react appropriately.

Not all brains are the same and there are people that have made it their life’s work to study different types and find out why they are unique. Things that can affect how a brain works include what we eat because they rely on energy from food and drink to perform correctly. If you receive a blow to the head then this can affect the brain in ways like short term or long term memory loss and make the senses less efficient. Examples of these are slower speech and blurred vision which are very serious problems. On their own any of these can stop us carrying out every tasks safely like driving and working with machinery so the more of these signs you experience the worse your life will be affected.

Not all brain problems are caused by incidents. Some humans are unfortunately born with problems that mean they can’t do some of the tasks are fully functioning brain can. A couple of the most common conditions that is found in young children are ADHD and Learning disabilities. This means that they aren’t able to complete tasks in the way others are because the signals are affected that the brain is sending. As with brain trauma, common effects of psychiatric disorders like ADHD are speech and language development as well as handwriting problems.

At Brain Train UK we offer something called Neurofeedback brain training that is the treatment of a variety of physiological and mental conditions with the goal to allow people to live regular lives. It is purely therapeutic with no medication involved. Each treatment plan is specific to the person based on the information gathered and this helps maximise success rates. With an unbeatable combination of the latest technology and transparent pricing you can get the best Neurofeedback in London right here at Brain Train UK.


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