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What is ADHD?

What is ADHD: Innattention, Hyperactivity & Impulsivity

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or sometimes Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)  is a label applied to a combination of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is a common behavioural disorder in children, with boys more likely than girls to be diagnosed. The UK’s NHS estimates one in 20 children are affected by ADHD. In the United States this is as high as one in 6.

Understanding brain for ADHD symptonsThe NHS describes ADHD as a disorder that people ‘have’, with various levels of ‘impairment’ and different subtypes. Sufferers may exhibit a wide-range of symptoms, but the most common issues are in maintaining attention, acting without thinking and controlling speech and physical activity – possibly resulting in aggressive, restless or fidgety behaviour.

There is no blood test, x-ray or scan for ADHD – a checklist of symptoms is used to ask subjective questions, and a ‘score’ calculated from the answers will determine the diagnosis. As such, ADHD can be difficult to diagnose. Many symptoms could be just extreme forms of normal behaviour, or it could be confused with other similar conditions.

One thing we do know is bad parenting, poor teaching, TV or excessive sugar (to name just a few) do not cause ADHD.

To find out more about ADHD and to discover how effective treatment from BrainTrainUK can help you and your child, please call us today on 0207 118 0887

Is ADHD real, or just a modern day creation?

Research shows ADHD has a genetic element and is linked to a number of specific brain areas that function incorrectly. Some people don’t believe ADHD is ‘real’. Why didn’t it exist in the past, they ask? Well, part of the answer is the label didn’t exist. While we have some sympathy for the view that ADHD is only a label, the undisputable facts are the symptoms are very real.

The condition can have a devastating effect on the lives of children and their families. From trouble at school to constant sibling conflict, from disobedience towards adults to a cavalier approach to risk – the symptoms can place a tremendous strain on a child’s life.ADHD Testimonials and results

But your child can also exhibit a range of wonderful talents and skills that you want to encourage not temper: a fun and infectious personality, high intelligence, a sense of adventure, artistic creativity or an independent streak that may hint at a future entrepreneur.

So what can you do to help your child with ADHD?

Sometimes your options can seem stark: on one hand you can let your child’s personality flourish at the risk of a troubled education and strained family life; or you can use medication that may help ‘control’ them but also change their personality.

At BrainTrainUK we provide you with an alternative solution: Neurofeedback treatment – the best of both worlds. It’s an evidence-based, safe and effective approach to reducing the symptoms of ADHD in children – avoiding the need for medication and potentially serious side effects.

In other words, our approach allows your child’s personality and talents to flourish in a more natural way, while improving their behaviour to make school, social and home life easier for everyone.

And it’s important to note you’re not just a number to us – we listen to you. With customised treatment to suit your child and careful tracking of progress, you can be confident you’re in safe, experienced and caring hands. Read about your range of treatment options for ADHD here.

Or, to book an initial consultation, please call us today on 0207 118 0887


Inattentiveness Hyperactivity Impulsiveness
Unable to concentrate Unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings Unable to wait for a turn
Forgetfulness or losing things Constantly fidgeting Acting without thinking
Short attention span Unable to settle to tasks Interrupting conversations
Easily distracted Excessive physical movement Little or no sense of danger
aking careless mistakes, e.g. in schoolwork Excessive talking  
Struggles to listen to or carry out instructions    
Constantly changing activity or task    
Difficulty organising tasks    
Unable to stick at tasks that are tedious or time consuming    

0207 118 0887

To discuss how we can help you or your child, please call us today.

To read more about this, please read the next page on Treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.