Enemies of Innovation?

Enemies of Innovation?

Are NICE Enemies of Innovation?

In my book Neurofeedback For Trauma – Past Present and Future, there is a section titled “Enemies of Innovation?” where we question the independence of NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

There is a much more comprehensive analysis here.

Yesterday Secrtatary of State for Health, Sajid Javid, made a keynote speech on the Digital Transformation of the NHS.

I was there, and asked him a question about the role that reform of NICE should play in the wider transformation of the NHS:

The reference to Lord Kelvin is in response to the point the Health Secretary made earlier in his speech that in 1865, Lord Kelvin, the eminent scientist , said “I have no doubt x-rays will turn out to be a hoax”.

Stuart Black, 30th June 2022.