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Business Case for EEG Neurofeedback for Trauma

Return on Investment

This analysis is based on several existing sources, together with some working assumptions*.

Basis of Estimate:

8.3% of population experiencing 4+ ACEs43 

£287 late intervention cost average per person in UK per annum44 

£3,458 late intervention cost per person per annum suffering 4+ ACEs (£287/8.3%)

80 average lifespan UK
-15 average lifespan reduction assumed for 4+ ACE sufferers*
65 lifespan assumed for 4+ ACE sufferers
14 age at which 4+ ACEs suffered*
51 number of life years with 4+ ACE sufferers
£176,000 lifetime cost of late intervention of 4+ ACE sufferers (51 x £3,458)
£112,000 Net Present Value of cost of late intervention (Discount Factor 2% pa)

Cost of Advanced QEEG Brain Mapping and 40 sessions of neurofeedback therapy: £4,000
Success rate 80%*

Cost per successful intervention: £5,000.

Return on Investment: £112,000/£5,000 = 22x, or 21,000% RoI.

This analysis is simple, but is believed to be conservative.

We have separately quantified the cost of 4+ ACEs at £71bn per annum, and the number of the population suffering 4+ ACEs at 5.4m, equating to a cost of £13,000 per person per annum. This suggests the RoI above may be understated by > 3 times.

We are happy to engage with researchers, thunk tanks, charities, government bodies, local authorities and media enquiries on this data. Please use our Contact Form or call 0207 188 0887. 

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43Bellis, Mark A., et al. “Measuring mortality and the burden of adult disease associated with adverse childhood experiences in England: a national survey.” Journal of public health 37.3 (2014): 445-454.

44Chowdry, Haroon, and Peter Fitzsimons. The cost of late intervention: EIF analysis 2016. London: Early Intervention Foundation, 2016.


0207 118 0887

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of neurofeedback for treating trauma please call BrainTrain UK. We offer a free initial telephone consultation, will answer any questions you have and explain the treatment to you. There is no obligation to get treatment after the consultation if you decide it isn’t for you.