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For those wanting a medication free solution you can try Neurofeedback

To put it simply Neurofeedback involves holding a mirror up to the brain in order to provide feedback on how well it is working. It was first highlighted that the brain could respond to brainwave feedback as early as 1958 so Neurofeedback is not a new conception. Before the revolution of digital technology the equipment used in Neurofeedback was extremely complex and only located in the laboratories of research universities. Due to these limitations along with video game technology being basic the equipment cost millions to own and operate. Aside from being decidedly inconvenient for patients the feedback was not stimulating.

We at BrainTrainUK practise Neurofeedback and the concept is that the brain can be trained and performance can be improved. The feedback is delivered via the eyes and ears through video. Our technology incites an increase in the speed, sound and size of the video when the brain is working well. The brain waves are observed to gauge how well the brain is working. We gain the feedback from the use of video games, music videos and documentaries and for our very young clients we use a cuddly toy bear with vibration that provides us with sensory feedback.

At BrainTrainUK we also provide Neurofeedback in London for the purpose of treating the symptoms of ADHD. We believe these symptoms are signs of parts of the brain being over and under aroused and Neurofeedback makes it possible for us to focus on these areas and restore brain regulation.

With video, gaming and PC technology continually evolving the necessary portable equipment is much more accessible financially and can run on standard PCs. The technique does not require the patient to perform or actively think about the process as the results come from the subconscious. Not only does this put patients at ease it puts no pressure on children which ensures the treatment works well.  It is important to remember that every person is unique and so is their brain. There are some aspects of Neurofeedback that can be automated by using modern computer technology but it is essential that a trained Neurofeedback Practitioner treat every person as a focused and individualised approach is vital.

We believe in providing a safe alternative to medicine and Neurofeedback requires no drugs, surgery and results in no side effects. Neurofeedback in London is available at several treatment centres including Harley Street and Kent.