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We can encourage performance growth for your brain much like others do for bodies

We all know how to train our bodies but here at Braintrain UK we concentrate on working on the brain and encouraging it to perform better. Despite the discovery that the brain could respond to brainwave feedback as early as the 50s it is only recently that necessary equipment has become more accessible. For a long time it was extremely complex, too great in size and located only at research universities. Now that digital technology has simplified the process by enabling us to use portable equipment we are able to offer the benefits of Neurofeedback to London clients.

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Assist your brain in using its unbelievable capacity

We often refer to our brains as amazing machines and like any machine the brain can experience problems that cause it to cease to function in the way it should. The brain however can be encouraged to utilise its own incredible ability to improve its performance and correct any irregularities. The brain is susceptible to certain conditions and disorders and here at BrainTrainUK we provide the technique of Neurofeedback EEG which helps the brain regulate itself and relieve the symptoms of various conditions.

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